Barbie Pink

Barbie Pink

In a Barbie world of print and web how do we get just the right shade of Barbie pink? PMS Barbie pink is Pantone Matching System (PMS) color 219. The Pantone, Inc. company provides this universal language for accurately communicating and reproducing colors. The system...
Let’s Brand

Let’s Brand

We are in the height of golf outing season and headed toward trade show season. Who does not love a good chance to network, play a little golf and learn about the latest and greatest happenings in your industry, right? If you are anything like me, a trip through a big...


Brand-Aid Defining Your Brand is the key to your Success Have you ever looked up the definition of the word definition? It seems like a strange thing to do, and a bit repetitive. However, the definition of the word definition is a good place to begin talking about...