How Do We Even Do This Anymore?
Marketing in the Age of COVID-19

By: Kim Gilmore
Founded Gilmore Marketing Concepts in 1991 as a creative, energetic design house and advertising, marketing firm. Built a successful full-time business with over 300 clients. Employ full-time and free lance writers, designers, brand specialists, SEO experts, media buyers, printers and video producers.
January 19, 2021

There has been a 66% increase in social media content creation in the almost one year of living life in a pandemic, followed by blog content increases at 57% and video production increases of 50%. All the while, traditional marketing and advertising spend has been decreasing steadily throughout the past year. So how do we keep, and increase our market share during these crazy times?

Here are a few observations, based in the stats, facts and crunched numbers over the past 10 months:


If your item or service can be sold online, move it there, now. It is time to increase your online presence through updated websites, social ads, blogs and search engine advertising. Automate your email communication and blogs to hit at peak times for your product or service. Offer online ordering, curbside options, web conference meetings, shipping and any other way to get your product or service into the hands of your customer without actually having to be there. If your business cannot be sold through the internet, push your cleanliness and health factor through online ads and posts. Make sure your clientele know you are doing everything to keep them safe.

Invest in Growth

The ROI of Facebook/Instagram and affiliate advertising has risen 17% since the beginning of 2020. These ads are really affordable and help to showcase any pivots you have made in your business model in order to service customers through these tough times. GMCI creates engaging, affordable, well targeted social ad campaigns that help our clients scale their business for growth.

Keep Talking

Don’t just jabber into the stratosphere, but put well intentioned, educational information out that gets attention. Great blog posts turn into eblasts, which in turn can be turned into video platform segments, social media ads, and PR pieces. Run these pieces as your base for sales funnels and you start garnering warm leads in a snap. GMCI writes blogs, like this one, that catch attention and garner leads for clients every day.


Funnel your ad dollars into a few main paid advertising channels. GMCI has certified Google Ad specialists that really know how to leverage your pay-per-click (PPC) and pay-per-view (PPV) dollars into customers. But to run ads through Google, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Bing, Yelp, Periscope, Geo fence etc is going to do you no good. Focusing your ad dollars on the channels that are best for your product or service is the best way forward.

Using these digital marketing strategies while the world figures out its next move will help your business stay on its feet and give you a head start against the competition in the healthy years to come.

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